Tuesday 14 July 2015

How to overcome the "I feel useless" syndrome!

Hey guys! I'm back after a super long time! I finished my college almost 3 months back and have been on the hunt for jobs since then! Most of my friends had already got jobs in India and even started working. I was in a bad place then and was constantly feeling down. I'm usually quite a chirpy person but during those times I actually felt like a worthless piece of junk!

I applied to more than 300 companies (Yep! No kidding!) and finally got a call from one. They had seen my profile on a job search site and were interested! I literally jumped out of my sofa after they called and was grinning the whole day like an idiot after that call! I attended a few rounds of interview with that company and guess what? Yesterday I got my call letter!! *whoops in joy!!*

I have finally realized how wrong it was to think bad of myself and succumb to the pressures of public opinion (the famous "log kya kahenge")!! Each time some aunty used to ask "Oh beta, so studies done, you still didn't get a job? accompanied with a demeaning , judgy smirk ,I used to feel smaller and smaller and like I was probably the most useless person on earth. Coming from a reputed college that boasted 95% placements only added to my worries!

But guys who cares about Log kya kahenge? After all it's our life and we have every right to live it the way we want to! If you don't get a job, no worries! Keep your head high and inform all the nosy relatives and friends that you will get one soon confidently! If after our studies you wish to take a break. go ahead take one! If after studying engineering, you wish to pursue art, go ahead do it! If your in your late 20's and don't feel like it's time for marriage, set your foot down and tell your parents that your just not ready for it! The only important factor is whatever you set out to do, put your heart and soul into achieving it and for sure one day you will! Just because you don't achieve success right now DOES NOT mean that you suck at it, it just means that your time has not come yet!
Do what you wish to! Do what makes your heart happy!
NEVER EVER let anyone make you feel bad about yourself!
Spread love, joy and do not ever forget

Please do comment if you guys have ever experienced any of this and do tell me if you have overcome it and how?

Thanks so much for reading this and I love you guys!!

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